Population and Settlement Test Review

Today in class we took notes on population pyramids and went over part of our population and settlement test. While Charlotte took her population and settlement test, the rest of the class watched a short Ted-Ed video on population pyramids. I learned that it is divided by gender with males on one side and females on the other. There are three groups pre-reproductive (0-14), reproductive (15-44), and post-reproductive (45 and older). After that, we went over the first page of our test. I got 81% on my test. I am not upset with my grade, but I want to aim for higher next time. I will definitely prepare myself more for the next test. I got all of the CIA World Factbook questions right, but I struggled with the other three pages. I think the hardest part for me was the third page because I had to guess for most of them. As we went through the first page, we discussed the importance of a few of the questions. We also learned today the US is one of the top three countries for crude oil production. At the end of class Mr. Schick told us a short story about how he was the only cab driver that worked near a gay bar in Eugene.


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