Pop Quiz

Today in class we finished up our debate and had a pop quiz on maps. We had two speakers left for the debate and they were both on the abolishing time zones side. After the last two speakers went, each side got to say their last points to their defense. Mr. Schick had all of the people who were undecided choose a side to be on, and they all chose the maintaining time zones side. Mr. Schick told us that we did a good job of letting everyone speak without interrupting them. He told us how a lot of adults have a problem with this, and he told us how his dad and brother were always in an argument. After that, we had a 10 question pop quiz on maps. I did not do very well on it, I got a 5/10. We have a 28 question test tomorrow on maps, so I am going to make sure I study the material so I do better on that.


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