Map Test Review

Today in class we reviewed our map tests. I got an 81 on my test and I'm okay with that because Mr. Schick told us that our class average was about 75% so I'm glad that I did better than that. We went over all the answers and filled them out on a blank test sheet. There were two questions that every class got right and they were about cartography and time zones. There was one trick question that everyone got wrong, the question asked us if 93.154 degrees N, 95.599 degrees E is absolute location, relative location or neither, and the answer was neither. It was neither because there is no such thing as 93.154 degrees N, 95.599 degrees E. At the end of class, Mr. Schick told us that he would give us a 2 point curve because of the question that everyone got wrong, and there was a question about UTC that we didn't go over in class, so it won't count on the test. After that, Mr. Schick showed us a video of Beyonce.


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