Life Expectancy

Today in class we talked about life expectancy. We learned that life expectancy is the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year. Mr. Schick asked us if people born when he was will live longer or shorter than people born in 2004-2005. Most people said that we would live longer because of all of the new technology that we have developed. Another reason we will live longer is that we are now able to do transplants, which we weren't able to do when Mr. Schick was born. Some points as to why people born when Mr. Schick will live longer were that there are a lot more drugs now, and there are a lot more people that are abusing them. Another reason is that the food we eat now is a lot worse for us than it was when Mr. Schick was growing up. Food now is more processed, and everyone is eating out at fast-food restaurants because it is quick and easy when you're constantly running from place to place. Mr. Schick told us that the population has doubled during his lifetime, and if it were to double for us, there would be 14 billion people on the Earth, and the Earth is not able to support that many people, so that will cause problems in the future.


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