Debate Day

Today in class we had our time zone debate. The first presenter was from the neutral group, then the maintaining time zones group went, and after that, the abolish time zones group went. We followed this pattern for the rest of the debate. I was the first person from my group to present my research. I talked about how time zones should be maintained because the system now works fine as it, so why change it? I also mentioned how it would be dark during the day in some parts of the Earth meaning that there would be some sort of light source that allows them to do all the things they would normally do in the daylight, but that would take a great deal of energy. After each person shared their points we had the opportunity to ask questions against them to help our case. We were able to fit every one but two people's presentations. I feel like my group did a good job with our research and that we had a lot of good points as to why maintaining time zones are good, and we had good opposing points against the abolishing side.


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