CIA World Factbook

Today in class we watched a short video about how America isn't the greatest country. We had a short discussion about the video. After that Mr. Schick gave us the assignment to go onto the CIA World Factbook website and answer the following questions.

1) China’s population is 1,384,688,986. India’s population is 1,296,834,042.

2) Japan’s total fertility rate is 1.42.

3) The death rate in El Salvador is 5.8 deaths/1,000 population.

4) 23-28% of the French identify none as their religion. This is not verifiable because the French has a law that prohibits them from collecting data on peoples’ religious identity since 1872.

5) 82.7% of Mexicans identify as Roman Catholic.

6) The GDP per capita in the United States is $59,800.

7) The GDP per capita in Nigeria is $5,900.

8) The GDP per capita in Luxembourg is $105,100.

9) 76.2% of the United States’ population is internet users

10) There are 13,513 airports in the United States and 1,218 in Russia.

11) 1.201 billion people in the world do not have electricity.

12) The infant mortality rate in Canada is 4.5 deaths/1,000 live births, Cuba’s is 4.4 deaths/1,000 live births, the United States’ is  5.7 deaths/1,000 live births.

13) The total literacy rate in Afghanistan is 38.2%, the male rate is 52%, and the female rate is 24.2%.

14) The three countries with the highest life expectancy are Monaco, Japan, and Singapore.

15) The three countries with the lowest life expectancy are Lesotho, Zambia, and Afghanistan.

16) Monaco has the sixteenth highest Net Migration Rate.

17) The unemployment rate in Vietnam is 2.2%, South Korea’s is 3.7%, the United States’ is 4.4%, India’s is 8.5%, and Kenya’s is 40%.

18) Germany spends 1.24% on military expenditures, China spends 1.87% and the United States spends 3.16%.

19) The three countries that produce the most crude oil are the United States (10,962,000), Russia (10,759,000), and Saudi Arabia (10,425,00).

20) The three countries that import the most crude oil are the United States (7,969,000), China (6,710,000), and India (4,057,000).

21) 6% of the world’s people speak Spanish, 12.3% speak Chinese, and 5.1% speak English.


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