CIA World Factbook Review

Today in class we went over the answers for our homework last night. The homework was to go onto the CIA World Factbook and answer the 21 questions that Mr. Schick posted on his blog. Mr. Schick did the assignment too, and he told us that it took him about 25 min, while it took almost everyone else around an hour. I finished in about 35 min because I did mine during my off mod so I was focused. As we reviewed each question, we would have a short discussion on each of the answers to determine if these facts were significant or important to us. One of the main discussions we had was about Mexico. The fact was that 82.7% of Mexicans are Roman Catholic, and this somehow leads to a discussion about how you wouldn't want to live in Mexico because it is very poor, has a high crime rate, and has many drug cartels. Then, Mr. Schick pointed out that there are also a lot in South America, and Colombia has the largest cartel of cocaine. One of the facts that stood out to me most was that 1.201 billion people in the world do not have electricity. That is an extreme amount of people because that means that they don't have fridges meaning that they can't store meats in their home. We talked about how there are still some people that live completely off of the grid and live like they would during the early ages. We stopped about halfway through with the answers because we ran out of class time.


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